UNL Libraries Online Application Form

Please complete the application below as completely as possible. Your application will be forwarded to the University Libraries.
If a position becomes available, a supervisor may contact you for an interview.

Please make sure your telephone number, email address and class schedule are kept current.

Currently we are accepting applications for Spring Employment.

Please provide your schedule and personal information for the  Spring.

Personal Information:* (All fields are required)

(Leave blank if you are not applying for a specific job)

Educational Record and Financial Aid: *(All fields are required)

Dates Attended college

Employment history

Previous UNL Employment:

Dates Employed at UNL:

Employment History (most recent first):

Library Questionnaire:

Indicate types of computer hardware/software you have used:
MS Excel
MS PowerPoint
MS Access
Audio/Video Editing
Adobe PhotoShop
Adobe InDesign
Graphic/Web Design/Development
Hardware Troubleshooting
Customer Technical Support

Additional Comments*


Check off the hours you are AVAILABLE to work this Spring.
Time slotMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySunday
7:00-7:30 AM
7:30-8:00 AM
08:00-08:30 AM
8:30-9:30 AM
9:30-10:30 AM
10:30-11:30 AM
11:30-12:30 PM
12:30-1:30 PM
1:30-2:30 PM
2:30-3:30 PM
3:30-4:30 PM
4:30-6:00 PM
6:00-10:00 PM
10:00-02:30 AM
7:00-7:30 AM
7:30-8:00 AM
08:00-08:30 AM
8:30-9:30 AM
9:30-10:30 AM
10:30-11:30 AM
11:30-12:30 PM
12:30-1:30 PM
1:30-2:30 PM
2:30-3:30 PM
3:30-4:30 PM
4:30-6:00 PM
6:00-10:00 PM
10:00-02:30 AM

By clicking on the submit button below, I attest that all information contained herein is correct and that falsification may result in my dismissal from any employment and/or referral to Student Judicial Affairs. I understand that by accepting any offer of employment from the UNL Libraries that I agree to work my assigned hours, including through the final exam period.